Marketing for Humans, to Humans

Discover how I approach marketing so I don’t have to feel sleazy, pushy, or gross

  • Imagine showing up online as your fully human self feeling excited to talk about the thing you worked so hard to create.

  • Or not worrying about what the “right” way to do Instagram is, or what the algorithm has changed to now.

  • Or what about sending a newsletter without worrying about if it’s “good enough” or if people will think you’ve wasted their time.

That’s totally possible for you. And how do I know?

Because this is how running a business should be. It’s meant to be FUN.

But somehow along the way, we got caught up in bro-marketing tactics, listening to too many experts, and not listening to our own needs, wants, and intuition.


Why should you sit through another marketing training?

  • We’re going to talk about WHY marketing feels icky and salesy.

  • We’re going to address the protective beliefs that come up when you try to sit down and do The Marketing.

  • We’re going to talk about how to market as a human to other humans and how to make sure we’re not doing things like using people’s insecurities as a marketing tool.

  • We’re going to go over Basic Strategies that are not platform dependent, that I’ve used for most of my 11-year business career, that will work even if Facebook and Instagram go away (because we’re all hoping that they one day will….right?).

Sounds just like the thing you’ve been waiting for someone to talk about?


Introducing. . .

Marketing for Humans, to Humans

Marketing for Humans, to Humans, is an in-depth live training covering everything you need to know to approach marketing from a place that feels good.

We’re ditching the bro-y marketing vibes and taking a more human centric approach.


Here’s everything you’ll learn inside…

Marketing for Humans, to Humans covers:

  • What is marketing at its core? What are we talking about? Why does it feel icky to so many of us?

  • Addressing a major problem: You think if you take the "right" action then you'll get the desired outcome. Let’s figure out why this isn’t true and what does get you your desired results.

  • How to take a human-centric approach to marketing. 

  • What you actually need to understand about marketing (and it’s not the latest IG algorithm hack).


What people are saying:

I felt a bit resigned and lost about marketing, but after taking this training, I feel more reassured. Even if I don’t know what to do yet, I have a better understanding of how I want it to look like. The training was interactive and a type of coaching, and it took into account the participants’ feelings or experiences; I found belief buster eye-opening. My biggest takeaway is that I am not in it alone! I would recommend this to anyone intimidated by how they handle marketing after comparing themselves with others. It was very confidence boosting!
— Izabela Grzybek
Marketing made me feel anxious and overwhelmed, but now I feel much more at ease. I am looking forward to reviewing the training again and taking steps to begin the marketing process. The eye-opener for me was that it’s all about your beliefs! I need to change the belief system in what I am afraid to do in terms of marketing my designs. It’s up to me to change my thinking.
— Joy Friedman
I felt scared and a bit icky about marketing, but the training made me realize it doesn’t have to be a horrible thing and there isn’t a “right” way to do it. It can come from your authentic self and not from a place where you feel like you have to manipulate people. My takeaway is that your beliefs form the outcome of the task, and it’s okay to be imperfect. I would recommend this training to anyone who cringes at the thought of marketing (because they think they have to be a “sales person”)—it helps to give you an approach that you can feel good about.
— Robin Holmes

Training details

What? Marketing for Humans, to Humans - a 2-hour comprehensive video training teaching you how to market your business in a way that feels good and in alignment with your values. 

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Who? Me 👋 I’m Joeli and I’m a self-belief coach who’s been running her own business for 11 years and knows a thing or two about marketing.  I’ve helped students and clients get their first sale, create a steady inflow of clients, and hit their income goals. I’ve helped them figure out how to quit Instagram without their business drying up. And mostly, I’ve helped them feel better about how they work. Now, I’ve bottled up everything I know about marketing in this in-depth training so you too can stop believing the only way to sell your thing is traditional, icky, methods of marketing.

What else? Your pass to Marketing for Humans, to Humans, includes:

  • A 2-hour video training

  • PDF copy of the training notes

  • Voxer Office Hours (via text)

  • Lifetime access to the video recording and slides.

I had mixed feelings about marketing before I took this training. I hate it when I get emails with the kind of sleazy tactics that were mentioned and when I get repetitive phone calls. I have worked in pre/sales for a company some time back, and I really hated it.
I thought that there must be a different way somehow to make things work.
I’m really glad that you used your coaching skills to prove to me that there are better ways to approach marketing, that I can find a way to make things work for me that will still be me in the long run. I just have to think and work on it. The part that was a great eye-opener for me is that feelings can get in our way and hold me back when I am trying to promote my business, and how asking myself some questions can help me get through that.
— Gabriela Carbo

ready to do this?

join marking for humans, to humans and discover a better way to feel about marketing.



Marketing for Humans, to Humans, is perfect for you if. . .

  • You don’t know how to start getting clients for your business.

  • You know some marketing strategies but they just feel too pushy or salesy for you.

  • You often feel like marketing means convincing people to buy and you don’t want to do that so you don’t show up and talk about your stuff.

  • You’re burned out and you can’t figure out why.

On the other hand, you might want to skip this if. . .

  • You want me to talk about hashtag strategies or content plans.

  • You really want me to give you the one right plan that will definitely work for you.

  • You’re really happy with your marketing strategy!

another testimonial:

I was pretty uncomfortable with marketing and it was definitely the part of my business I struggled the most with. I’m still not great at it, but since the training I’ve started to promote my services more on my social media, whereas before the only promotion I really did was having a link to my website in my Instagram bio. I also was worried I wasn’t being active enough in my marketing as all of my clients just came to me passively without me reaching out to people asking if they needed a tech editor, so this course helped validate that I wasn’t doing anything wrong by not trying to make the first move with clients. It’s a slower way to grow my business but feels right to me.

I liked that there weren’t any scummy marketing tactics taught. I was worried I would spend $$ and walk away with action items that I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing or would do and feel gross about it. I’m glad I get to continue marketing my business on a human-to-human level. I also appreciated that it wasn’t platform specific and not just about trying to game the algorithms.

A lot of my downfalls with marketing probably have to do with the fact that I’m an introvert with social anxiety, and before I used to think I’d annoy people if I mentioned my services, but now I’m more comfortable getting out of my own way and sharing what I have to offer. I would recommend this to anyone who isn’t sure if they are doing marketing right.


What if I don’t want to use Instagram (or Facebook or some other platform)?

Neither do I. You’re not alone. Part of my marketing theology is that what you want and need matters. Your business needs to take into consideration your happiness and joy. So if you don’t want to use Instagram, this training won’t try to convince you otherwise.

How long will this take?

The training itself will take around two hours, with additional personal time to apply the strategies presented. 

What if I have a question?

You can always ask a question in the comments section of the video training. In addition, your purchase includes access to weekly Office Hours on Voxer, where you can text with me.

I’ve got another question.

Great! Send a message and let’s chat.

All purchases made on this site are subject to Terms & Conditions; see our refund policy here.